Twilight Sparkle

The gas leak year technically counts, fella, which is the best kind of counting.

Yahoo Screen got River?

Sin City Saints gave Toby Huss a paycheck, so it wasn't all bad.

I'll never forget when Q indirectly killed Wesley by having a Napoleonic pigman shove a bayonet in the kid's back.

Gravity Falls is simply preparing children to be disappointed about The Venture Bros.

Would would've ever thought that a country that's one-third above the Arctic Circle would be good at hockey!?

If Kjopo is representative of the hardcore fandom, then the hardcore fandom has disappeared up its own hobbithole.

The shirt anecdote says a lot more than you think, I think.

Hey, Moffat already got through that last season.

After a new season of Doctor Who, I'm not sure I was ready for an extra-strength dose of Moffat-brand Cleverness® . I'll probably like it more when I rewatch in a few months.

I think I liked it, but man, a lot of of the ending cast the shadow of Moffat with a shit-eating grin over how cute he was being.

Episode 2 was fun, but most people decided to fuck off after Moffat made fun of people who wanted an answer to how Sherlock lived.

Michael Emerson is the worst Joker.

Considering the last two movies, I'm pretty sure anyone that cares enough to keep abreast of the fan productions isn't too happy about the new movie.

That's a bit cynical, though. Some nerds still like Star Trek.

I thought he built a career off removing feet and adding muscles and pockets to compensate?

Oh, I know. I'm just annoyed by E's kneejerk reaction of assuming that the defendants are lying in their defense of this being a non-profit.

You really get a kick out of defending corporations, don't you?

I'm okay with CBS trying to shut down that one fan series that had Edward Elric playing Kirk.

And Cassandra Clare did pretty well by publishing her Harry Potter fanfic with the serial numbers filed off.