Twilight Sparkle

Women have told you that a lot, eh?

I always felt a bit cheated by that ending, but I started watching anyway on the strength of the cast.

I'm one episode in and don't really like how everything's shot in an unrelentingly sinister tone - it feels like the early moments need to breathe a little more to accentuate when the murders get going.

Bowdlerization seems like an unfair word - Thomas Bowdler was more about straight-up censorship and changing the plot to fit rather than just swapping out an offensive word in some doggerel.

And yet Jesse Spencer endured.

Man, that cast really fizzled, didn't it? Ted Danson's the only one who went on to steady work.

I exaggerate a little, but I'd barely become a teenager by the time it was cancelled.

I probably would have watched a good half of it for Ted Danson if I was old enough to watch it when it was on.

One of these days I'll get to it. The A.V. Club probably has 100 TV shows I need to see.

Achewood is also pretty much dead.

I mean, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, but damn, I'm surprised.

Is this comment real?

Josh Trank isn't famous anymore.

Donald Bellisario's various agencies will get reinforcements from Dick Wolf's stronghold in Chicago and take down Lorre's robotic hellbeast.

One of these days I'll get him to watch The Wire, since he actually lived in Baltimore in the 80s.

And SyFy seems to be trying to head that off by making the opening episodes of their new shows streamable early.

Clearly they decided there was too much Fargo coverage.

My DVD purchases are also mostly limited to buying stuff that I want to see companies license more of. I'm pretty sure Ping Pong: The Animation was mostly a commercial dud, but I'm still thrilled it got a release in America.

Baby, if piracy is orally wrong, I don't want to be right.

Neither of my parents have sunk to the non-BBT latter options, and I can at least get Dad to watch the dark humor of Fargo.