Twilight Sparkle

I'm pretty sure soaking is just an urban legend made up by people making fun of Mormons.

Y'all two need to chill out.

Since Ward is now possessed, we know that Will's body was made non-viable for the creature, and that's about all we know.

Fuck me, a "most popular" that actually deserves it?

Except Christmas is just Christians ripping off a pagan festival. Jews and Muslims are also Abrahamic.

"Now that the novelty of eating McDonald's breakfast at night has worn off, come back to Arbys where time passes, things die & no one cares."

And then there's sections of the internet where people pretend to be mentally ill so they're special, between Asperger's being a popular excuse for assholery and various anxiety and depression disorders being milked for sympathy.

To be fair, voices in your head can help you see the world differently than most.

Your comment is moreso.

Is it really all that different from other inexplicably viral videos?

Well you're wrong.

Speak for yourself, guy.

" nobody's going to be sexually aroused in an American kid's show."

I like SU, certainly, but it's a pretty light show as a result of being a 15-minute block show for kids.

Except Misty Knight is already cast and appearing in set photos from Luke Cage.

To be fair, he was a producer and writer on Six Feet Under.

Yes, most music created by fans of a thing is pretty pointless, and even moreso when the unoriginality is compounded by doing remixes.

Trump's answer is probably to feed ham to anyone going through a border checkpoint.