Twilight Sparkle

Hey, living in Florida has at least one upside - we're somewhat relevant in the electoral college.

I thought it was pretty strong even at the beginning, and now I'm just waiting to shotgun the season after thoroughly enjoying season 1 about 6 months ago.

A friend of mine has been lukewarm, but I'm pretty sure the appearance of his favorite DC character means I'm about to get some apoplecticly excited messages.

I'm pretty sure the Gnostics actually cast Judas as the hero of the story.

It's about equal, but Youtube wins by strength of assholery.

Fuck's sake, Supergirl only aired last night. No wonder you're the Evil version.

Er, no. It goes mining for "feels" but doesn't dig particularly deep.

Once this season wraps up, I have some watching to do. The only Coen flicks I'd seen before this was The Ladykillers and O Brother, though season 1 got me to watch the original movie.

Er… Budge and Pepper would have to be rebuilt by the aliens for that.

Still, events worked themselves out in his favor. The Gerhardt family is shattered with little effort on his part, and in a very short time frame while his ass is in the hot seat.

Noah Hawley did an interview this week where he said season three would be set a few years after season one - similar level of connection, not a sequel.


That usually happens to me when I get logged out of my AV Club account and it defaults to my Disqus.

I wouldn't have guessed Paul Bettany, but I thought the narrator had a stronger accent than Freeman as Watson, so I was a bit lost on who narrated.

Considering three tours in 'Nam couldn't get him any respect, I suspect Hanzee wouldn't mind living in a cabin as far away from people as he can get.

It's not so much that as last episode made it clear she's operating in a slightly different world than the rest of humanity.

To be fair, "some police officer" shot him in the side of the head. That's a little distracting.

Yeah, this is an outfit founded on blood rather than business. She's not wrong in trusting her close family, mostly.

Happy Birthday!

I'm sure if the battle ended and adrenaline subsided, Bear would be in serious medical trouble, but damn, he went full berserker. Guy lived up to his name and appearance.