Twilight Sparkle

I thought it was sorta decent if you ignored the idea of monsters made of sleep dust.

My DVR ate the last 30 minutes, so I found other means to see the end.

I'm gonna respond to this like Hannibal, Community, etc.: 3—6 seasons is a pretty good run for a network tv show, and I'm glad it was around for it.

They did, 9 years ago with Tim Allen. Annie's Boobs was in it.

Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about workplace violence, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

Incidentally, if you can find the OVAs, there's a short one with Mustang and Hughes in the Ishvalan War.

Le petit mort is still a French thing.

Eddie Huang is leery of this news.

The Puritans were reasonably sexual people - how else do you think they got 12 kids and had four survive to adulthood?

Somehow, I got to adulthood without ever getting a sex talk.

Clearly what we all need is low-cost teleporters and AVC dating.

Life: more troublesome than death.

Netflix killed the movie star?

Kinda, yeah. Explosions look better on a big screen, the rest is for Netflixing.

Realistically, it was more of a matter of "Hey, Stalin's trying to crush us both, so team up?"

Technically you can be a lot younger than that and still a MILF.


I just imagine that as the Earth Adventures of Captain Picard and Kahler-Jex.

So that's why they took Germany's side in WW2!