Twilight Sparkle

And here I expected to star as the horse head in the inevitable Godfather remake.

What we need is a Dr. Frankenstein to resurrect Vincent Price.


Someone told him that Reagan's jellybeans were replaced with pills.

OOooh, I'd certainly F them, wink wink, nudge nud- *a loud bang is heard*

I would at least watch a short film about a sexy tomboy beanpole who turns into a Shih Tzu.

Well, Buzz Lightyear did have a Wirewolf and NOS-4-A2.

Sorry, Chris Christie already dropped out.

Quick, get Marvel on the line and repackage it as another Man-Thing movie!

For what it's worth, it made me snort in near-laughter.

That's not a very nice way to refer to Emily Blunt.

It was just depressing with how obviously Hopkins was there to collect a paycheck.

Fuck's sake, it's already failed once, and with del Toro and Hopkins in the lead roles. How do you fuck that up?

So what you're saying is… Slideshow?

His brief appearance on Heroes was one of the best parts of the show, too.

BBC America rebroadcasted that last year. It was pretty entertaining.

The only scene that really stuck with me was Cruise's character's growing realization in the bathroom that he was covered in human remains.

The story, though, is actually based on an early Terry Pratchett story named The High Meggas. If you want to read it, it's collected in A Blink of the Screen.

Brotherhood is definitely better-plotted, and doesn't rely as much on repeating tricks - see the battles against Pride and Sloth - but there's definitely some interesting ideas before it goes fully stupid with the last episode and movie.