Abbies Dad

Oh, hi, Zach and Coke!

Compared to After Last Season, The Room is Cedric Gibbons-level sumptuous.

The idea of Wiseau being unable to remember lines he wrote himself tickles me.

Maduro's a bad hombre.

"…and for $100, we'll throw in the CD compilation 'Dawes's Greatest Hits'…."

"Hubert H. Humphrey is Edward James Olmos!"

But, but - Ferdinand Lyle!

Prime ministerial cinema begins and ends with Andrew Boner Law, but I can only get through about ten minutes at a time.

"Oooooh! That's a bingo!"

That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!


And tiny figures of Auntie Em and Uncle Henry hound Dorothy into blowing her brains out.

Was it just me, or did Trebek pause for an unusually long time before declaring Kelly correct when she answered "Mozart" to the Eine Kleine Nachtmusik question? Did he just space out for a second?

The A.V. Club


Or Anthony Quinn.

To think, he came up just several million votes short of being Governor of California!

Horse hockey!

But Charlie McCarthy wears a top hat and monocle! You don't get more sophisticated than that!

Westgate Mall in Madison is almost terrifying in its emptiness. Walking its side corridors is almost like being in a dream, and something is waiting for you around the corner.