Abbies Dad

I don't know if I'd buy Bradley Cooper as a sassy black sidekick.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: I'd fuck him, but I wouldn't want to look like him.

The expedition also experimented with the butter shave.

Chocolate Rain

I do the same thing, only with The Oogieloves.

Listening to Rubio's interview with Fox last night, the term "con man/artist" has lost all meaning to me. I get what Rubio was trying to do, but saying it over and over again made him look childish at best.

Dunne died in 2009, but I agree the resemblance was uncanny.

A business hug goes horribly wrong….

The Legend of Curly's Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

See, people? The ACLU employs the devil himself!

You need to watch O Brother, Where Art Thou?, which uses it in the opening credits.

He didn't follow that with, "You're Coast Guard material, son," did he?

Is it strange that the first time I ever heard of him was in a Savage Love column in which Dan said he believed Samberg's mouth was big enough to give him a blowjob from the side?

The closest the Academy ever came was awarding honorary Oscars to Yakima Canutt and Hal Needham (1967 and 2012, respectively).

I'm not positive, but earlier comments suggest that was supposed to be Mark Russell.

He's not only merely dead; he's really most sincerely dead.

He could probably take Rylance in a fight.

I wonder if they used that particular Trumbo clip as a winking reference to "I am the one who knocks!"

The poster child for this particular phenomenon is Grand Hotel (1932), which wasn't even nominated for anything else.