
I don't think you can talk about misleading trailers without mentioning Happiness. It's pitched as a soft-R rom-com about awkward sex. It ends with a montage of hi-jinks that includes at least one rape scene.

"The Late Show," "The Elevator," "Untitled," and "In the Woods" all followed "Never." I can't fathom how anyone could see that as a downward trend.

This is contrarian as fuck.

I really hope they call it The Monster Squad And They’re 30 Years Apart And So Are The Kids.

Anyone remember "Pokemon Black & Blue"?

Great Job, Robert Downey Jr.'s Intern!

Chaff is relative. If Mr. Show or Kids in the Hall or The State ran on NBC, they'd be nothing but chaff.

Every bit an auteur as Nolan? What do you have against Edgar Wright?

Have you seen Gallipoli? It's almost exactly that.

Thunder Levin spoke at my intermediate screenwriting class and told us all to change majors.

I'm not interested in the story, but I love the composition. This is really the first artist in this feature whose design is more elaborate than "a series of drawings."

The bottle has a cardboard sleeve that says "MacC-" so presumably, he ordered a venti ketchup bottle at a Starbucks and they got his name wrong. It's actually a really good punchline to a story about a celebrity experiencing identity issues, or it would be if if it was a little more coherent.

I really enjoyed the movie overall, but damn I do not understand the love that scene gets. It feels like a rugby match. Completely bloodless, improbably padded with Whedonisms, none of the urgency of Winter Soldier, none of the visual ingenuity of even the lesser X-Men set pieces. I think it's capably produced, but

M. Night Shyamalan would be one of the best working directors if not for that worthless hack who writes all his movies.

I love Quicksilver. He's the more plausibly maladjusted Flash.

I like that the characters all seem vaguely aware that it's not appropriate to be singing given the circumstances.

To be sure, "they" didn't make Easier Rider 2. Unless by "they" you mean "one particularly copyright-savvy baby boomer with too much money and not enough self-awareness."

"Remakes should happen only when the original was lousy. "

Titus motherfucking Burgess.

Buzzard, R100, Slow West, Man From Reno, The Overnight, Timbuktu, Yakuza Apocalypse.