
Wow, Dad, you took a baptism for me!

Oh Lord, please protect this rocket house and all who dwell within the rocket house.

I love God. He's my favorite fictional character.

I can't speak for the other crazy liberals, but I never considered Obama to be particularly left-wing. I was just hoping for a president capable of rational decision-making, and for the most part that's what I got. Still, I didn't expect him to extend the Bush-era bailouts, the warrantless wiretapping programs, and

Human GI tracts are not designed to process the steady stream of bullshit O'Reilly generates.

I'm learning gun repair!

Children are our future
Unless we stop them now!

@dgl: I'm not looking to crucify Obama—I still prefer him to the alternative. I'm just expressing my disappointment he hasn't lived up to most of his campaign promises. I know, big surprise.

Well, there's always Amazon. But yeah, probably death would be best.

@GQ: Your perspective is painfully naive. The public option was intended as an alternative to for-profit insurance carriers for people unemployed or self-employed, not a mandated replacement for private insurance. Besides, as a federal program, the states wouldn't have had to shoulder the tax burden. By the way,


Nothing beats the version that comes in a foam rubber Necronomicon case.

I weep for you, Mexican Blade Runner.

Fukoff: When Popov's just out of reach.

You're dead! I killed you!!

Obviously you never read the RZA interview.

He has a more defined palate, too.

I tried it once & decided it wasn't for me. It really limits your choice of restaurants.

May the Heat Miser rain fiery death upon you.

They do until their numbers become too great and they must be culled.