
This has absolutely nothing to do with what you said (I literally have not read your post, and now I will make sure that I do not as a matter of principle), but I like that your picture is Invader Zim and Pastulio and you are probably not a 13 year old patron of Hot Topic. Thank you.

I really like how he constantly claims that he had the entire series planned out from the very beginning. I mean, this is so obviously bullshit its insane: there is so much soap-opera ret-conning (especially in the expanded universe, but even in the films) that its hard to keep a lot of it straight.

I read somewhere that it was his idea to put the aliens in. Like, supposedly he had been pushing Spielberg for years to put fucking aliens in Indiana Jones to fulfill some sort of bizarre fantasy he holds dearly in his neck-pouch.

It's sad when you hold one of the most prestigious titles in American medicine yet you get remembered for LIFE ALERT

I feel like it probably wasn't an actual tank like we're thinking of


I'm really afraid to click on what surely is a link to a penis stump.

I really hate this gimmick.

@avclub-aabc3012bc828d9b6855535f836f146a:disqus , I'm sorry, but you're not gonna win this. The first rule of the internet should be that you're never going to change anyone's mind in a comments section.

Boats don't kill people. Scylla and Charybdis do.

I like the cut of your jib, @avclub-540c6e885c092967f3cd24b90e34ce69:disqus  . The worst thing about heinous crimes (other than, you know, the heinous crime and its repercussions) is that the actions can't be reversed. It's absolutely not right to torture him like he tortured the woman. And even then, it wouldn't make

I wasn't in her grade, but I specifically remember that she quit a musical production because she wasn't allowed to replace the star after a month of rehearsals. Like even before she did anything bigger than singing at Sixers games, she thought she was the shit. On a related note, she dated/broke up with a much older

Coming to your local adult theater this fall, The Journey Inside Jeff Bridges with Jeff Bridges

I don't know if anyone will believe this, but anyway: Taylor Swift went to my high school. She left to "go get famous" when she was pretty young, but it's interesting to note that she was a massive bitch.

Did somebody say Firefly???

Except motherfucking MONSTER GARAGE!

It's not a choice dammit! He was BUILT that way

I liked how you pointed out that he capitalized "Tits." That's why your comment has one "like"

We really need a hero to save us from this dearth of tentacle rape jokes

He's in more of an Old Testament mood