
I remember that! Didn't it come out like a few years after they stopped making the show? I remember it randomly airing on CN during rerun credits and thinking "why"

Street Sharks

Street Sharks

Putin on the Ritz

Putin on the Ritz

My most obnoxious memory of the olympics came at the Sydney opening ceremony when Matt Lauer referenced the "Little Child of Light" skating around the stadium about 25 times.

My most obnoxious memory of the olympics came at the Sydney opening ceremony when Matt Lauer referenced the "Little Child of Light" skating around the stadium about 25 times.

Damn I actually got fooled by a spambot

Damn I actually got fooled by a spambot

I think there was a song called "Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt" but I really don't want to google it and find out.

I think there was a song called "Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt" but I really don't want to google it and find out.

I glanced and thought this was a Major Lazer album. Carry on.

I was going to make a joke about how I was "holding out for a Marmaduke movie" and then I remembered the Marmaduke movie

FLAGGED for being idiotic

Alas, I'm pretty sure he went on the record and said it was just a joke and he wasn't really going to keep making them.

And Lucas says Jar Jar isn't racist

Yeah I am loathe to agree with Pitchfork but they are usually spot-on when it comes to reviewing of Montreal. Disappointed but not surprised.

I was gonna laugh and then I remembered reading something about people who actually believe that, so now I just feel shitty.

Do people still make Candlejack references or is

@avclub-7065e286d0939354f46b11340b75c51b:disqus I'd rather hear a story about a bridge