
With you 100%. Only played HR and Beyond but boy did I appreciate how different they were. The weird stilted parts just didn't bother me much and in fact kindof added to the semi-surreal/semi-dreamlike atmosphere. They're not perfect but dang sometimes I feel like there are about 4, maybe 5 types of AAA game and they

Coors light has a weird chalkiness to it. Miller lite is my beer because it's the smoothest. Sometimes I'll go Bud light if I want something with a smidge more bite. I like "good" beer but you can't just drink it all night everynight. First of all hangovers and then you feel like you ate 5 loaves of bread the next

I have a thing about this in my…act? The standard "oh man I can't eat taco bell it gives me the shits for a week," thing has never rung true for me. I believe people believe it when they say it but I also always kindof suspect it's an emperor's new clothes thing. Or maybe I eat so much taco bell I've forgotten what

My gf was Patton's gf for 3 months before he met his wife. We live in bumfuck Florida so I accused her of being a crazy person when she said this but sure enough there are pictures. I only say this because life is strange.

80% of these "glaring oversights" register at 0 for me. Honestly the biggest one is the rabbit.

But Harrison is the right answer. And its certainly not Lennon.

I wish Winter's T. Had been good. I always thought I should be the one to write/direct/score/market it.

Jesus that's a lot of words.

Is he really that recognizable? Especially pre x-men. Makes him sound like Marilyn Monroe or some things.

You've got to fight to be free!

Too old to have watched the original cartoon?

the denominations are all a different shade of green.

Date Rape?!

As far as Tropic Thunder's use of the "r" word, Its the word those characters would've used. You wouldn't point out that it was insensitive for Alonzo in Training Day to use the "n" word would you? Felt like you felt the need to include early on that you know the word is no longer kosher. Which I guess is fine.

Just a little bit ago I was surfing the channel guide and saw 8 Simple Rules and had to think what that was and ultimately realizing 'oh yeah, dang, that's the one where John Ritter died and they kept the show going without him.'

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think women should vote.

Initially read as Simpsons negro figures

a little insane that there hasn't been a sequel yet. I loved the hell out of that movie when it came out. My love didn't wane when it became uncool either. I feel like it's come back around now. Dummies.

for the fuckin yinzer?

yeah I was quite taken aback at the negative review and crowd score. The most I've laughed at a south park in a while.