
Well that's just my musical version of Batman 66 featuring even more colorful costumes and 6, no, 7 different Catwomen! The audience is given mini penguin umbrellas to protect them when confetti rains down from the onomatopoeia signs going off "BAM!" the reviews are in and "POW!" Batman 66 is a show stopping good time

Lol that's a strong take for endearingly cornball lines.

And if the DC universe has to go grim-dark let's get a smallville series from VG that really gets into the full transformation of LL.

You could say he gives a fuck, but only sometimes an uncensored one.

There's a perfect circle ven-diagram for things Zack Snyder has made movies about (or plans to) and things Zack Snyder doesn't understand:

As a wanna be aspiring writer, I've learned to adapt many other voices for the one day hopefully when somebody wants something to be abrams-esque. spielbergian, snyder-esque, or whedon-esque but wants to pay that guy who isn't any of them for much cheaper… I've had some fantastic ideas for a Spielbergian Ka-zar film

nah in the snyder-verse Mxy would be some dumb college kid who discovers a variant of MDMA that makes people perceive slightly between dimensions through a fun, euphoric state. Superman would then beat the shit out of him while something appropriately ironic (At least in snyder's mind) like a song by Daft Punk plays.


Statler: "Well now that they're done with this crossover, what comes next?"
Waldorf, "Did you see it? After that crossover - they'll need A DO OVER" *both chuckle like the old rapscallions they are*

I'm lucky political crazy only extends to my aunts…who are sure obama is a muslim and that while they may not live to see our country enter another civil war , they're convinced I (currently 28) will .

The fundie metaphor that worked on me for a long time was that God created us as his instruments. So if both of us waited until marriage, we'd just have the rest of our lives to get better …with our specific instruments and that with god's love, yada, yada everything will work out….

yeah, in no way was MA attacking the idea of dating bi people.

"will fuck *almost* anything available at last call." Lol you realize some of us single dudes are reading books and drinking at home when last call happens, don't you? That we're not are out there trolling for some piece of temporary ass or whatever mindset you're stuck in.

The moral of the story is learn your personal fucking limits but respect that your personal fucking limits shouldn't reflect as judgments as others which is what is seemed MA was trying to convey, but your small-mindedness couldn't let in that perspective.*

Your DJ puns have truly spun my heart right round, baby.

"If you're in your late 20s you've got no business with 18/19 year olds though" Tell that to the South/Midwest/And innercities please.*

So… somewhat unrelated but my therapist has recommended I seriously consider medication (there are psychiatrists at the place I go to as well as just therapists). I'm really worried because I've had family members and friends struggle with medication, and I'd like to think I can improve on my own (I've gone through a


Huh…you just described 2 movies , one of which was a sequel to the other. While MOST hollywood blockbusters can feel samey (Especially if they share a mythos) , I would argue Captain America and Winter Soldier feel like pretty dfiferent movies from each other, and from the Iron Man films and from Guardians of the

User comment history is private and equates trans-phobia with hilarity - just another troll to flag, ignore and move on from.