
It's a big problem for me - "wanting to escape labels" Personally I don't identify with a political party (and am pretty all over the place on that spectrum), my spiritual beliefs are pretty weird and fall somewhere between atheistic, but agnostic to the point of considering something like gods could exist (or could

Lol, oh nerdy pedantry, do you ever come with out a huge side helping of FUCKING CONDESCENSION?

It's like the party just passed the racism baton at one point 50 years ago to the other and no one noticed!

You want a Lion King sample? I can go right around the corner and get you a sample!

NIght of the Comet - just two sisters trying to survive the zombie apocalypse with a very 80s vibe. Easy to watch, good balance of silly/horror.

Point counter point to the beginning of Idiocracy (which could be seen as pro-eugenics, but I strongly disagree): It was the amount of kids poorer, uneducated parents were having. It wasn't just:

There probably is an interesting analysis of cross sections in at least American society of young, males, smarter but somewhat social outcasts (enough to get them picked on a decent bit in school) finding a lot to make them feel good about themselves in Rand's philosophy when literally all those kids know is being

Charity is work for free which is slave labor, so how can there be anything noble about charity?!

You can gripe against postmodernism and Ayn Rand!

you make seem HipsterDbag seem like a tolerable personality. Well done.

I'm sure she appreciates the term "current girlfriend" women love to be reminded they can be replaced!

Vile seems strongly worded, but I will admit there is very little I find inspirational about her.

Size and intent to directly control one's life.

So.. are you one those people who thinks actors are "Weirdos" or whatever?

Patton Oswalt and Stiller helped a lot.


Bold claim, but I do agree he was the best part of that game - which I don't think deserves it's poor reputation overall.

Look i think Scrawler over-reacted, but you don't have to be a twat about it.

Yeah, especially since he bitches when we bitch about grades, you think there could be a tad more professional in the review and leave out the smug comments. He's no Pauline Kael.

I would KILL for a Wu-Tang Defenders team-up! Iron Fist! Luke Cage! Doc Strange, Silver Surfer- all pretty much sound like Wu-Tang members/aliases.