
Btw, Bowie would think you're a tool lol.

he's a grownup now!

yeah..darn movies with 70 year old references and working with/against popular character arc/types while having a blast and laugh doing so. Stupid lazy claptrap is what that is!

weird.. I thought the ending was about a father learning it's ok to let a kid be a kid sometimes and also to embrace one's own inner kid at times…sorry you couldn't feel the love.

Um…other than the poginant reminder Ledger died….The Joker was a fun/intense performance. Sorry you couldn't enjoy it!

Well maybe DC can make a good movie with an actual Super hero in it sometime lol…but we'll see…


That's my one friends dad's reason for Trump. He's a bit of an asshole (loves to bring up black on black crime anytime BLM is mentioned) and owns a few small-mediumish businesses, has his own helicopter and fancies himself a mini-Trump/Warren Buffet- so yeah..for Trump supporters either ironically they probably have a

Hillary killed thousands of people? Wow, no wonder so many GOP folks are scared of her. But wait is this the same sick. ill, dying Hillary ? Or is this unstoppable Killary? I can't keep up which alt-universe version GOP folks keep referring to her*

Stating the ethnicity of the judge would make him a bad judge- racist.
Stating that people NEED to call any person who commits terrorism a radical islamist terrorist -racist because he's scared of brown people-and if you can't understand why that's racist, I'm sorry.

Weird, pretty sure liberal congress approved Iraq invasion because they were lied to through misleading reports by..wait for it..a secretary of state who was a Republican. But it's cool how you ignored a bunch of facts to tell the narrative you wanted.

Sh…he's still in his snotty arrogant phase, don't worry he'll catch up!

Justice League War (it's the same setup they're using for the Justice League forming in the movie shared universe)
JL: Flashpoint Paradox ( a pretty fun amusing earth/timeline JL story)

wow, I read that book and all of those ideas for an adaptation sound great!

The Shaw Bros might disagree….

America is for everyone, that's why we need compromises for everyone and don't get to play favorites. Problem is , the rules were gamed at the beginning to favor one type of person -white male who owns land - and we've been adjusting that system towards something more fair for over 200 years since.

Even if bigotry is part of your religion, it shouldn't be allowed to be legalized as a business practice in a public sector. I really think it's that simple.

If by "hilarious" , you mean a "pointed reminder of how broken our country is by bi-partisan politics", then yes, hilarious.

Si pero con cojones muy grande que senior Snyder! *

Hey Sandler, I'm a heavy, doughy white boy who thinks he's pretty funny even if his screen presence is so-so at best - what are the odds I could guest start in one of your upcoming projects?