
Huh… so Twitter really doesn't bring out the good in anyone, eh?

maybe he shouldn't make fun of fat-chicks in the lamest way possible or result to tired jokes about racial stereotypes? Ya know, because he's going for a comedy job and not…I dunno… accounting?

It really really does try, which is more than I can say for 90% of anything else McFarland related.

You're wrong. In my book, calling a woman fat is just as bad as the C-word (and in some cases worse) if you want to cut someone down.

Great name/comment synergy?

That's what Dane Cook taught me. See, he was rarely funny- but boy howdy did his cadence sure tell the audience when to laugh!

Colbert was hilarious from the beginning. He came out swinging as a fully realized character. The guests at the beginning didn't quite know what they were getting with this character, but that only made many of the earlier guests (wanna say Jane Fonda was an early good one) much more interesting because of what/who

There's a pretty solid 30 for 30 about his team during their "bad boys" years- and does a decent job of painting the team/decade in a different light (a team of thugs stealing thunder from classic all-stars in an era where Jordan, Bird, and Magic were all playing).

UGH Claire is not a good person, but since the writers aren't good writers I suppose I shouldn't expect consistency or anything…

So -and this is only an extreme example going off your line of thinking with self-identity vs actions:

Don't forget about that little-loved cancelled show called Duck Dynasty with those homophobes that nobody talks about or even buys merchandise for anymore.

WHITE DOG! Easily one of the deepest philosophical movies about race I have ever seen.

He's Worf's dad. Won't be revealed until the end of the movie.There saved you all 13$. You're welcome.

The book of Pier 1 - everyone forgets about it.

Yeah I've been baffled why people on the site keep calling this a "Bible Story" would a faith-based tale from mid 7th century set in the Middle East count as a "Qua-ran Story"? Ya know, even if the events were never depicted in that holy book?

And that, kids, is actually how I met your mother…

Eh, I don't think Jim Starlin or Neal Adams really fits into either…

Counterpoint- using a version of Scarecrow's fear-toxin modified to make Aquaman afraid of water= classic Batman dickish brilliance.


-Both Phoenix sagas
-Doing weird characters like Apocalypse and Sinister (and Mojo!) justice
-Days of Future Past Storyline
-The Brood
-Wolverine's Backstory
-These are all stories/things portrayed faithfully and pretty well for the time I feel from the 90s show.