
I think the three animated series are equal to me for different reasons. The 90s series is the most complete/faithful reflection of the comics themselves. Evolution got much better once they focused on students learning more at the Xavier school instead of public highschool (seriously, who the fuck wanted to watch

The X-men Series from the 90s started off super clunky especially with dialogue. And while the animation would never come to match 90s Batman TAS , I'd put both 90s Spiderman and Xmen caertoons as some of the best comic adaptations period: they covered major storylines from comics often in interesting ways (the

loved : Tree of Life. thought Noah from last year was interesting the creation story in it was one of the best sequences of cinema last year. Lots of Bergman deals with these subjects well- Winter Light being my favorite.

you don't have to know someone to judge them?
Seems like you have more in common with a lot of the Christians you don't like than you'd care to admit.

eh, i'm Bob Jones-ing for more puns!

hell, even moving past sensitivity for race and gender, i can't imagine this amount of snark-scorn for a more Jewish, Muslim or Hindu edition of a movie.

even Nazi's get treated better than most Christian characters, at least these days - the writers will give an occasional Nazi a sense of humor.

on board with most of what you said but strongly, strongly, strongly disagree with any dismissal that video games aren't art (or that they can't be considered art).

There is more than one of everything…

There is more than one of everything…

Look, even if you got ejected everyone would still hate you BUT THEY WOULD HATE YOU MUCH MUCH LESS!

Marshall Henderson! Holy shit at his height he was like college basketball's answer to Kenny Powers from Eastbound and Down. That's to say -loved watching Mashall Henderson play haha.

JJ Reddick! He was a Cylon - no human should be that good at foul shots.

Only real place to post this on the AVclub but: TEMPLE U GOT SNUBBED!

Drudge is better than Breitbart! Also Uporn and 4chan are better than Breitbart- so not saying much!

in your opinion…

IDK , on the one hand- I like the actress and find her funny. BUT really sick of mass-media's idea of "ugly". If we're being superficial and going by the 1-10 hotness/attractiveness scale: Hollywood ugly is a 7 at worst.

Definitive? Maybe. Best- that belongs to Blade Runner.

I suppose if you just focus on the aspects of a scene and ignore the larger movie that surrounds it- you may come to those opinions.

Dazed and Confused or Scanner Darkly may be ones you'd enjoy as well. I've been a Linklater fan for about a decade now and while he has some misses, I love his hits.