
i was a student at psu- just curious where do you work (haha don't have to say office/building) just wondering if it's the college of communications (i was a film student back in 2010)

Bought a TRU exclusive of Jason styled in the NES-version of his character just a few weeks ago. Love it and happy TRU didn't get any controversy over it: http://halloweenlove.com/im…

So this seems as an appropriate place to share this as anywhere else:

Not a bad article but idk…just not a fan of the title of this WitWiCE piece: Halloween is for everyone. It's not that different than someone writing a piece called "Christmas belongs to the Christians, but you can borrow it"

Which is still better than 6 of the Saw movies (the kevin smith film- not the MST reference- that's better than all the Saw movies).

Life is like a box of death traps…

so do you "not understand the push" or do you actively sort of hate it; because you say the one thing but the surrounding text seems to suggest otherwise…

*starts singing*

indeed it is quite hard to type while one's eyes are constantly rolling…

i wonder how they feel about "Puddle's Pity Party" seriously check it out- or don't if you like sleeping.

There is more than one generation that have little knowledge and no real cultural connection to stuff like Jonestown and i think these movies are great for getting across the chilling nature of such true events. Sure, i wish the film had built to a stronger conclusion; but two-thirds of a solid premise earns a

My guess is the poster is only familiar with the film version of Cap and was one of the people who had a strong negative response to Cap's line about g(G)od in Avengers.

the Towlies are not what they seem!

you don't need to be sober to kill anyone!

So am i reading too much into this poster but are the people in it suppose to be "unbelievers" (and if so- is it really disconcerting that they're almost all non-white/non-male people?)?

1610 is a Nei Gaimain mini-series set in the year of 1610 (but in an alt Marvel Universe)

Amusing because that song and dance number was the last time i cared to tune in for a new ep of Family Guy, just realized it was no longer the show i liked it for.

There's always the wonderful world of slightly mature animated shows out there.

But do you mean that as a compliment? (i like CC fwiw)

So..this is a thing now?