
Well this has certainly helped me end my internal debate of who's worse for comic book movies: Zak Penn or Goyer….

Normally I have problems with people commenting on how people can believe certain things but can't believe others as well.

They probably should just avoid pop and country and…any other genre of music with lyrics really…

or someone mildly confused as the skull-fucking was suppose to come later on the syllabus….

I had a health teacher in college that wouldn't state that dualism was unscientific. I don't think he thought it was scientific, but didn't want to piss off anyone half-paying attention in a college health class.

I'd say on the internet 66.6% of the time…so mostly harmless but often still quite as shrill/annoying.

I saw 419 movies last year (For the first time not counting anything i've seen in prior years); while an outlier probably, I was a film student so yeah…take that anecdotal evidence and flimsily apply it as needed.

I really wish that wasn't a sentiment that many Christians actually agree with…

Stardust wasn't bad either.

he's really just a big mountain of love.

Jar Jar truly was the fictional equivalent of Diet Mountain Dew Code Red… a simultaneously watered down yet "new" take on something that's been around since the 70s and didn't ever need anything like it to be added to its franchise.

What's the over/under on how long this "death" will last? Thinking less than four months….

You either die a Firefly or livelong enough to become another Simpsons…

Wait, you STILL remember that?

He's a hipster douchebag. He probably doesn't even own a comic book.

The fact that Obi-Wan is still wearing the same Jedi cloak in A New Hope as he has at the end of Revenge of the Sith (designed to look/be the same piece of clothing for no other reason than continuity) would probably disagree with your sentiment.

I don't think it's really that coincidental because as established by the movies themselves:
-Tatooine is beyond Republic control so it's a good planet for all sorts of illegal activity like gambling (favored by hutts) and slavery (also favored by hutts).

Eh, I'd say the new Star Trek Movies focus a lot more on themes of "the hero's journey" than any past Star Trek piece of franchise ever (Except maybe The Sisko from DS9). Such themes are the bread and butter of the star wars series (and others of course but these franchises are both sci-fi fantasy)

Now you really made a Bat-Man of meee!

mmmm "slur punch" made with fresh squeezed Jews…