
Iknowright!? It's like they're in some sort of "Tv club" section or something. *Chortles*

With Todd mentioning how the show defies all laws of TV physics, here's another curveball: what other show can be recalled where the Pilot (the freaking pilot!) is considered THE BEST (almost by full consensus by people on the internet who cannot agree on anything else!) episode of the series?

Just pay for the file you want, and then torrent a copy with the rifftrax audio embedded (guilt-free). Or you could do that second part…for free…but not…free of guilt.

i consider, may 4th 2012- whedon's present to me for the avengers…although perhaps even the better bday gift came on may 4th 1977..when a little film about an intergalactic conflict opened, but idk if peeps here would've heard of it- lots of British actors and done by some film school geek.

Since I wasted a lot of time with AVX, should point out that Namor got the Phoenix power, Magneto just joined with Scott and Emma's more domineering faction and then (spoilers) busts Scott out of jail at the end of the arc.

I thought that Futurama episode was pretty weak, easily the weakest of all the anthology episodes they've done. Community seems like the type of show that will stick with character-based humor even with delving into parody,

Those Quiz Show sketches set in a post-apocalyptic future are easily some of the funniest things I've seen from any sketch show.

But did he stumble on it after doing Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers ? Btw, the curse is the script, or some weird pagan bullshit…

Well he likes playing with his toys…and by toys I mean lives of US civilians.

Her locks could've saved so many people from those towers… (now THAT's how you do you subversive, Shrek!)

Yeah….well sentiment can seem too warmed-over at times, I'll gladly take Tangled, Princess and the Frog, Brave, all the Toy Stories, and now Frozen over any of the Shreks (didn't even mind the first two).

Unfortunately you probably don't need the qualifiier "overrated" before Sundance hit these days…

and LyingCat appearance in three…two….

something , something…Bowser is a Creep..

Even John Stewart's writers rely on lame/obvious jokes from recent news. The other eve, he made a pussy-whipped joke in relation to the Pussy Riot story the other day (which I had already seen a bunch of times on facebook and other places)


…depends on age? i honestly would be surprised if more than 60% of people under 17 could tell you what Auschwitz was if asked point-blank**

Stephen King- uneven work, but such an impact on me growing up. Although he'll still somehow release a dozen books after he goes.

In the immortal words of Fred Durst: "CUZ IF YOU DONT CARE, WE DONT CARE!"

for me, it's the hippies i've met that are into a lot of annoying (to me) and like sharing their enthusiasm for pseudo-scientific things: acupuncture, astrology, homeopathy, conspiracy theories, crystals, auras, distrust of pharmacy companies (which don't get me wrong, aren't great- but i don't believe are the evil