
I'm guessing even while most people wouldn't stay far away from being called phil collin fans- most people probably like 2 or 3 of his songs either solo or with Genesis.

wanna rephrase that on the whole "who deserves to live longer" comment? 

It's not a perfect fit, but this article and just similar sentiments remind me of a Drive By Trucker's lyric:

Only if she got a break through on American Idol  doing solid covers of soul songs, perhaps a nice Otis Reading cover like "Respect"

Everyone knows Dokken strongly supports the Dream Warriors Party, duh.

Sue Richards AKA Mrs Fantastic- I'd fight off Reed, Dr Doom and Namor for a shot with one of most interesting and often unappreciated heroines in the Marvel universe.

The snark is strong with this one.

man,..who wrote that novelization, George Lucas?

Oh Lucas…you can re-edit the past all you want…but in your original draft from the original screenplay….

Where would these Hunger Pains ads fall on this scale?

I would like to add to my comment about the hypothetical. He's made snarky jokes about rape before- so I don't want my hypothetical to seem completely pulled out of thin air. There was an article back in October about a former Real World star suing some production people as well as Co-Real World members who allegedly

Eh, I'm fine with  subjectivity- but when it's the same thing again and again- it seems uninspired and mean. I feel like if there was ever a story about one of Moore's kids (does he have kids? I don't know, but for hypothetical argument's sake I will go with it) getting raped- O'Neil wouldn't be able to hold back a

Blessed are the healthy because they don't have to worry about medical bills.
Blessed are the warmongers because they will have the most land.
Blessed are the strong because might makes right.
Blessed are the rich because…duh, they're fucking rich.

No one let Morgendorffer read V for Vendetta!

Sean O'Neil, you seem like a smart guy…so other than maybe having a really big bias against Moore, I can't see how you can't see the weakness in your logic. It's like the creationist's who complain that schools should at least teach both intelligent design and evolution because both are believed by a lot of people.

SOS= good soundtrack, some good supporting performances (in a movie mostly comprised of supporting performances) and overall pretty watchable. Spike Lee has done far worse.

Ask him how he feels about the Kree. Now I'm not saying all Skrulls are racist, but if that question draws a certain look- well, I'm not saying kill Skrull Stan-Lee but ya know, keep an eye on him.

Also, I guess I can be okay with people being dumb about pop culture  on non pop culture websites (espn.com and its boards is another place where this comes to mind)


I've yet to visit Reddit, but is it really any worse/better than here in terms of maturity of posters? I ask that as a person who thinks about 70% of the posts I come across here count as reasonable discussions.