
Was the "grandpa" comment really necessary?

Disrespectful does not equal one's life being in danger

Rapture's Delight- seriously one of the best episodes of tv in the past ten years. a parody of mad max style movies mixed with one of the wackiest takes on Revelations ive ever seen without seeming mean-spirited. wacky gags taken to extremes. it's a bizarre, fun, and clever piece of tv and needless to say- i

while dubious of the initial claim of the OP that such an episode would exist more as a stunt or whatever- it does lead me to wonder just what exactly could be so over the top that it would get the show pulled….

Holy bat-bias!

How about that 27 club? Robert Johnson, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin and so many others. I mean, like what are the odds that people could die at that age- it must be like some sort of conspiracy or curse or something something the government did it…

So is this the most commented on thread anyone else has seen on here in a long time? Religion being a hot-button issue, who would've thunk.

While I'm not surprised when one of those crazy statements gets made and reported by national media (ie: leaders claiming natural disasters= god being pissed) but I'm always suspect of anecdotal stuff like the stories in the past few posts. while they seem plausible it seems equally likely as just adding flames to the

ikma i checked out that page you linked and was shocked/depressed.it's the exact same kind of illogical hatred that spawns atrocities EXACTLY LIKE 9/11 .

Damn it. Was just about to post when I saw that was there… and yes with Bane, and the fact they've used popular arcs before, I don't think it's' a stretch to guess that with the crumbled city scape in the poster.

The Only Time I was surprised…
I was watching an interesting doc called the Art of the Steal- about how this guy's private collection was slowly getting taken by the city and how his final wishes for his art collection were being steamrolled over.

Last time I checked- VD didn't shamelessly plug TGIF in their promos and involve a scene where a talking gorilla sings to a shitty hip-hop song that was popular then mercifully forgotten 3 years before the movie was released.

who felt one of the songs was critical of him and his actions—even though the film was set 200 years in the past
Sure Nixon was known for being a paranoid guy- but is it also so farfetched to think that a film taking place in another time or even antother setting cant be critical of a modern leader?

Tv is imploding??
Either this guy is completely clueless or just diverting from the fact that this may never be made. By the way, I am pretty sure that even if reality tv completely takes over that a show with the words "Star Wars" in the title will still be a liscense to print some money.

I completely agree with you jdfjkfalk , except for the idiot part.

@ jdfjkfalk


Grading Conspiracy
I am not actually putting forth this idea- but just found it amusing that every big summer movie target at the 18-35 male bracket has gotten a B this year. Bridesmaids, X-Men, Hangover 2, and now Super 8? I know grades shouldn't be taken seriously- but I feel like those arent equal films (especially

fwiw nintendo nerd is correct. songs include singing… there are all sorts of musical compositions that arent songs.
