
It's up to us!
I'm 24 and being a film major I find myself getting into all sorts of pop culture eventually with my parents and my friends parents. One thing- I dont find this cynicism (or at least it's much much rarer) toward "movies being better back in the day".

Finally the last word in "duh"- freedom of speech means you get to say what you want in the public forum so long as it isn't disturbing the peace; ie: the old "don't scream fire in a movie theatre" example.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown"

My god… the gimmick now has a gimmick. It has achieved a level of sentience.

look if you can't tell the difference between a blatant joke and an honest critique, well I can't help you.

What are you talking about ? Joker got 2 1/2 origin stories !

@ Rad Hatter- I don't think it's unfair to treat this thing like a house of cards that could crumble even under the unnecessary weight of more recognizable actors ala Spider-Man 3- James Cromwell, Bryce Dallas Howard, Topher Grace, and Thomas Hayden Church as well as Francoe's ever expanding role (which I did enjoy).

What's the point?
The Dark Knight worked very well because of it's supporting cast. YMMV on Gyllenhol, but Caine, Oldman, Freeman, Eckhert and Ledger all brought their A game. ]

Land of Confusion
A great song that I haven't seen any mention of yet??

Pop pop!

The difference being that those episodes of Community were more than just hype. They had great character moments and fit into some bigger plot arcs.

Um..so I think the Pokegame was awesome to play…but…I found I enjoyed the epic nature of the Digimon Anime. I mean before I learned from rpgs that it was mostly par for the course epic storytelling- I gobbled it up as a kid and really dug it more than some show with monster battles that often had very low stakes.

Fat Neil!
Sooo late but just had to comment.

I hate soapboxes, so I refuse to get on one. However, I feel that those instances are drag and are not directly referencing transgendered women- as is the SNL sketch or as was with the Jersey Shore comment.

Not an easy line to walk
On one hand, freedom of speech is pretty jolly. On the other hand, when does ridiculous portrayal edge into cruel territory ala black face or yellow face.

College Foods
Living on ones own for the first time certainly invites all kinds of odd food combinations.

Eh, I see it as- if he would've let the segment continue then he could get the ever-feared "slap on the wrist" from his boss.

The Best thing about Tracy Morgan
While many actors/actresses get caught offguard and say something stupid (Gibson anyone?)- Morgan seems to be so great a comedian that he somehow manages to catch other people offguard with the rediculous things he says.

Exactly, all it takes is little glimpses early on- before changing something drastic and hopefully by then we'll see this isn't entirely a straight adaptation.

With fear of treading into fanfic territory here… I think think this seires should serve as a "sequel" to the 7 Dark Tower novels.