
"Wanna know how I got these scars"

Couldn't help himself
Stupid, sexy Flanders

Amusing that the person with Elektra as an avatar is commenting on needing better heroes… kidding- couldn't help myself

Shameless Plug
Shameless Plug completed

Movies I'm afraid to Revisit
Rocky III
Monster Squad
Either of first TMNT Movies (even as a kid recognized the crappiness of the the 3rd)

The entire AV Club needs more cgi …especially more dewbacks.

That Thunderbird made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. It deserves said extended scene.

You like the orginal Cantina scene sans Han shooting first. Jabba's Palace is also still a fantastic set-piece. It's only fitting to like Star Wars in fragments since Lucas has done such a job of cutting up the films.

Empire Strikes Back references are too good for this faux-doc… and with the current popculture worth of Star Wars being so low…that says a lot.

I love Wild at Heart for the similar vein that Defoe brings to it. Although I fall into the camp that enjoys WaH…I know many would disagree

Just IMDBed Vamp's Kiss… gotta say this loooks more in the category of Once Bitten and The 'burbs (movies that seem to be dark horror comedies featuring actors that haven't fully hit their stride).

Having bought and have been enjoying MYOF the Book, I will second the Rabin love. His prose aren't anything revolutionary, but they have a friendly (sometimes self-depricating) toney and are really a fun way to breeze through 30 minutes. Sorta like talking about movies/pop culture with a friend that really knows his

Alfred, Batman.
Q, James Bond.

…how was this missed?

Never Knew
that the ending of The Killing Joke was controversial. I really like what Moore did with both characters.

Has to wonder…
How many people here have actually seen Grown Ups? I know it has an abysmal %6 on Rotten Tomatos and this very website gave it the D- (aka the gentlemen's F). However….

The Coon vs. The Coon and Friends
One of the best eps of SP with a deep implication for Kenny. It had a hilarious ending and justified the entire three part arc. I can't think of many tv eps this year that were better than the one containing: goths, elder gods, and mint berry crunch!

The song was one of the best things the show did, but it was unfortunatly in an even episode.

The Grade
An A ? Really? That seems like an odd bar for having too many…well…cartoony moments with the Scarecrow's dialoage going too broad (especially in his interatcions with his henchmen).

Wow- so glad someone mentioned Thankskilling- best movie ever to have a joke about a gravy-flavored condom.