

Hey Laura, I tried sending an email to kinjaquestions@avclub.com and it bounced. Google says:

Yeah I posted a comment with about a dozen questions. I can see it in my Disqus history, but not on the page, so I assume no one else can see it either.

Couple others I thought of:

Here's my questions. Some of them might already be answered, because I guess "2:00 PM Central" was more of a guideline.

Yeah, same here. It's a huge pain in the ass.

Obviously you don't understand how religion works.

The staff is going to need a six-martini lunch to prepare themselves, I assume.

But do you lose your status if you don't comment enough? I only comment occasionally, but I probably wouldn't bother at all if there was no chance of anyone seeing what I wrote.

He also meant "execs green-lighting fewer mid-budget projects." It's like he doesn't even watch Game of Thrones!

I hope they explain the concept of "the grays" and how it works. I've never understood it, but it seems to be the subject of a lot of complaints on Deadspin et al.

Not anymore, they're not.

Yeah I never quite understood the adoration for this movie. The opening chase was fantastic, the initial train dialog between Vesper and Bond was delightful, and then it just… went off the rails. There's like a fucking hour of poker, all of it revolving around the idiotic notion of "tells," with a tiresomely

Turning 40 this year, which I'm pretty sure counts as middle aged. My parents were both conservative Republicans, though my mom has drifted leftward as she's gotten older; pretty sure she voted for Hillary. (My dad will die a reactionary right-winger.) I feel like I've done a pretty good job of sticking to my

You can't hold the kid's political faux pas against him. When I was in third grade, I had a home-made "Ollie North for President" pin. Then I grew up.

Not sure what inspired them to use the Wendy Carlos rendition of "The William Tell Overture" from the sped-up Clockwork Orange sex scene as the background music for this event, but I approve.

Yeah prior to Oz I knew him as the kindly, practical psychiatrist on Law & Order. He is legitimately terrifying in Oz. Took me a while to be able to see him as something other than Schillinger again.

Especially if you've already watched The Wire, watching Oz is fun just to spot all those actors popping up in tiny roles.

Hepburn and Gary Cooper in Love in the Afternoon was even ickier. And George Peppard was no prize in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Damn, lot of Sazerac/cocktail haters on this video. Sazeracs are absofuckinglutely delightful. Ya'll are missing out.