


Planned Parenthood. Gonna be a rough four years for them. And EFF. They're doing good work on the anti-surveillance front.

Planned Parenthood. Gonna be a rough four years for them. And EFF. They're doing good work on the anti-surveillance front.

Planned Parenthood. Gonna be a rough four years for them. And EFF. They're doing good work on the anti-surveillance front.

I think it's just down to DNS propagation at this point. It's like when the sun burns out, but you know you have eight minutes to go before the light goes out for good.

I think it's just down to DNS propagation at this point. It's like when the sun burns out, but you know you have eight minutes to go before the light goes out for good.

Ave atque vale, commenters.

I really enjoyed Timecrimes as well. Those other two are going on my list!

This seems like as good a place as any to highly recommend the movie "The One I Love," which is a similarly character-based sci-fi (ish) movie set mostly in a house. And Coherence, which is a sci-fi movie set mostly at a dinner party. Both are excellent.

Um, are they accepting applications for that position? Asking for a friend.

He says that he will never die.

"An under-ripe melon, and a garbage bag full of mushroom soup."

"Arbeit Macht Frei"

I prefer stride-mother porn.

I think I only ever did one of these, but since it seems like it might be my last chance, what the hell.

Planning to make punch for my 40th birthday in a couple of months. I bought David Wondrich's punch book, and I'm eyeing that Regent's punch. Also spent a bunch of money on loaf pans and styrofoam coolers and such to do science experiments with. Hoping to make transparent ice blocks for the punch bowl.

Wind River. Speaking of fall movies… that shit is dark. Pretty good though! Not as well directed as Sicario or Hell or High Water, but solid, and the writing was good as well, even if Elizabeth Olsen's character wasn't given much to do. As someone who prefers winter to summer, it was worth seeing just for all the

I'm reading this very late, but it seems like no one answered your question, so let me take a crack at it. I should start by saying that "misogynistic" might be a stretch, but where a movie has to be on the spectrum of enlightenment to earn or avoid that term is pretty subjective, so it wouldn't surprise me if people

Seems to have gone through. Cheers!