
You should probably drink the absinthe, not just throw it out like she does in the video. (The text does suggest drinking it.) Also, she put a hell of a lot of absinthe in that glass. You really just need a tiny splash, enough to coat the sides of the glass when you swirl it around a little.

Blackcoat's Daughter had no ideas? When the demon is exorcised from her, she begs it "Don't go." Ten years later she escapes from the institution and murders again in a desperate attempt to bring it back, and is heartbroken when she fails. That's a pretty unique take on the horror genre, to me. I've certainly

Sadly, the book really isn't very good. It reads like someone who wanted to write about early British prog and then hastily tried to expand the book out to cover prog as a whole. Rush are relegated to a single chapter, despite being one of the most successful prog acts of all time. The author seems to have no

As I recall Thom Yorke once explained the dynamic of Radiohead as "like the UN. And I'm the United States." Which probably overstates the influence of the United States at the UN, but it sounds like he's describing Dio's ideal.

The best metal album I've heard this year is Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard, "Y Proffwyd Dwyll," though it came out last fall. (Also from last year, but new to me: Toska, "Ode To The Author." Instrumental thrash/doom, and excellent.) The new Elder is up to their usual standards. The new Pallbearer is solid but I

Only someone who has never been to grad school could use the phrase "a graduate student’s erudition" as a compliment.

And he's a son of (New) York. I think you're on to something.

I don't think anything could top Desperado. Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek? Not fair, movie. Not fair.

Welsh Doom metal! Specifically, Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard. (Yes, they're really called that!)

Disappointing that someone as well-versed in films as Roger Ebert didn't pick up on the Top Gun connection.

The bunny guy was Nick Chinlund. I always felt bad for him; he played the creepiest character ever on The X-Files (Donnie Pfaster, the necrophile in "Irresistible") and I think no casting director could ever see him as a good guy again.

I can't hear anyone use the phrase "too late" without thinking of his bugshit repetition of it to Maria Conchita-Alonso. I'd love to know what the script said for that line.

Or most Kubrick films, really. 2001, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut… it's kind of remarkable, considering most everything he made was adapted from text. We shall not see his like again.

Nolan shot in black and white because the film stock was a lot cheaper than color.

I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for Koyannisqatsi, because it was the first self-consciously arty movie I ever self-consciously watched, but it's not particularly profound. Dig the soundtrack, trip out on the imagery… that's about it. Enjoyable but inessential, unless you're big into Phillip Glass.

Those are the standard critiques of 2001, and while I - full disclosure -
consider it the best movie of all time, I can certainly understand why
people would raise those objections about it. It is slow, and it is not
focused on narrative elements. You're not meant to empathize too much
with the tribe of

The formal name is actually Maiden Lady University.

So you can make a Toronto.

It's dearth. I guessed Ayn Rand, like a bunch of people, it seems.

Troll the respawn, Jeremy!