
Living in an apartment building, I admit I've never had to feel proprietary about a lawn, but that seems like an excessive amount of work just to make your lawn flat. Do you play a lot of croquet or something?

What does it mean to "roll the lawn"?

Seems seasonally appropriate, since I just watched (and enjoyed) "February" a month ago.

My Sunday was pretty kickass. A rundown:

Count me among the Splice fans. That movie was batshit crazy in the best possible way. About a month back I worked my way through one of those "favorite movie for each year" lists and was surprised to find I preferred Splice to Inception as my favorite movie of 2010.

I dunno, I kinda miss Behind Closed Ovens.

The Daily Treat, the movie theater, and the venerable Bamboo House (on North Broad) are about the only places I still recognize anymore. Although these days I only see downtown on a rare visit with my parents. I think the place I most regret the loss of is The Cheese Shop. That place had character.

Jeez, there's three of us, and we all read this far down in the comments on a 30 Rock Newswire. Crossroads of the world, here at the AVC.

Class of '96. Jersey fist-bump!

So, this would be pretty weird, but: I was a teen in the 90's in a NJ town where Blimpie's was the only fast food store in town. Was yours across the street from the Häagen-Dazs, about a block from the train station? Because if so, we might have gone to high school together.

"Omelette bar?"

Huh. It turns out there have been not one, not two, but three movies named Project X. I might check out the one you mentioned, it sounds like a hoot of an 80's movie.

The woman could rock a pair of pajamas like nobody's business.

Helen Hunt. (Yes, really.)

No video, but it does happen.

Jessie's Choice?

Huh, I would have guessed Florida would have decent pastrami, given its high population of ex-pat New York Jews. Maybe they all have high blood pressure by the time they fly south?

This is the right answer. If you're not using your leftover corned beef to make hash, you're not living.

de Mo-NAY! de Mo-nay.

I always liked working The Dead Pool into my Bacon calculations. Bacon himself does not appear, but the combination of Clint Eastwood, Jim Carrey, and Liam Neeson can get you a lot of places.