Peacey P

I am always one to come up with last minute, thrown together costumes that usually rely on a pun in some way. Some highlights from college include:
a premature ejaculation -wore nothing but trousers, then when asked to explain I would say "I just came in my pants"
Seal- i'm white…but I did make awesome facial

How could it be forgotten?
Everything about this movie sounds awesome.

Yeah that makes sense

He's just upset that he's not getting credit for the whole 'replace letters with nonsense symbols' that the internet is so famous for

For the record, I thought the Armless Tiger Man was cool before anyone else here

Jeez, the marketing boys come out en masse for this one. I don't recall explaining anything to you, Mr. Stache, but it's cute that you took what i said so personally. Did you hear my soft voice cooing to you as you read?

That's where the movie stopped being interesting to me though. The whole tone changed in that moment. It went from sci-fi to broad comedy in that one Adrien Brody take. "Uhhhh….yeah…I knew…that's the ticket" COME ON. She even looks at him like there might be a seed of doubt forming, and had that been followed up

Please tell me how this got a B+

My crisis
Sorry for being so late to this party, but I was just (JUST!) talking to my girlfriend on the phone about this very Q&A and suddenly had a mental crisis. It went like this:

Cat out of the bag, Mr. Tebow?
Well he may have thrown "Honor thy mother" out the window by driving her into the pavement, but at least Tebow will be following the fifth commandment by observing the Sabbath…

Hey Lone Audience: I think your parents found where you come to hang out all the time

Shit was getting pretty high in here

If everyone shared your opinion on aborting Heisman winners there would be no Vinny Testaverde, Marcus Allen, or Barry Sanders.

Frank and Joe
I had every Hardy Boys book when I was younger. That is all

Adding three X's does not a porn title make
"Jizzy Shore"

So in the DVD version…
things get a little 'blue'?

So wait…
Did they bake all those pizzas in the time that it took the Glee cast to walk to the stage? Because if they didn't i suspect they may have known about the win ahead of time

"I took a picture of the giant cupcakes I just made. Wanna see?"
"Absolutely no"
"Here they are!"
"What the hell? Did you take these from behind?"

KBCO in Boulder plays it every year at Thanksgiving too. In fact I'm flying out there in the few weeks just so i can hear it while cruising down I-25 in my 1986 Saab 900.

Maybe you should consider whether or not there might be people named Brett frequenting this site before you start throwing terms like 'asshole' around.