Whoa. I don't know that Jon or Davos possess quite that kind of low cunning, but there's this Tyrion guy… now forging a few cave drawings in order to persuade Dany that Whitewalkers exist… that's right up his alley!
Whoa. I don't know that Jon or Davos possess quite that kind of low cunning, but there's this Tyrion guy… now forging a few cave drawings in order to persuade Dany that Whitewalkers exist… that's right up his alley!
Our cave paintings that survived are actually surprisingly sophisticated (i put two links in a comment above). There's a striking use of line, interesting suggestions of depth that are far more sophisticated than most 19th century American folk art, impressive flourishes in the details… the best are quite wonderful.
Pfft. In fact, they were pretty awesome:
And, it's true, you never do quite get used to them.
That's why it's magical!
A bad rap? Huh. I watched the first half of the first season and it seemed just fine. Not really sure why I stopped watching. Come to think of it I can't remember a single character, which would explain that. Just a lot of butt-slapping in whorehouses.
and piemaker :)
In addition, in the earlier instance he was literally fighting for his life.
I heard that line, as well.
I'm having trouble seeing how riding your three dragons to the Red Keep some moonlit night while staying clear of the walls facing the sea and making a Cersei Torch out of it doesn't win you the war…
To qualify he'll have to use as campaign slogans, "Fight for $15 (by 2035)," support "Universal Health Care (no later than 2060)," and "Tax Wall St. Speculation (never)."
"Will you forgive me if I switched sides"
I think that's why Bronn had to be there, to help him shuck his armor and surface.
Didn't we hear that the gold made it safely into King's Landing?
He was… um… sinking fast?
Same. In fact i didn't make it through its first 20 painfully self-conscious minutes.
Hey, it has to happen from time to time, right?
There were three wise men mentioned, then a king and two other 'types' were mentioned (a priest? and a?). I'm wondering, should we not necessarily assume that the three wise men included the king and the two others?
3. How he can use her, what sort of threat she might represent, what other skills might she have picked up, how he can use those….
I was thinking of the moment when Jaime was heroically, foolishly dashing towards a distracted Dany, Drogon spots Jaime and the threat he presents, and then to protect her puts his head between her and Jamie. I don't mean to be unkind to a show that does great fx, it's just that that shot didn't quite work for me—and…