Jack Strawb

It seems like kids who grew up entirely after the film era are now of an age where they're managing fx for shows like this.

Did iZombie pick up? I let it slide (back into the DVD cover) a few episodes before the end of season one. It was decent, but it just seemed like a lot of tv I've seen before…

Which was a little odd. I thought sure Dany somehow knew about the gold shipment and was aiming to cut Cersei's financing off at the knees.

So we're to believe that Bran was able to magically eavesdrop on that one, or that Sansa communicated that to him, or…?

Yep. For all the angst it's abundantly reasonable to feel for the limitations on the kinds of life women in that sort of era get to lead, 99% of men don't have any choice, either. If you're strong, you're a soldier. If you're a farmer's son, you're a farmer. If you've got a brain, you're a scribe, or a farmer, or a

"If you're close enough to fire a bolt into a dragon's mouth, you're already on fire!"

In addition to medieval weaponry, the show has got to find a balance of power such that being the only side with dragons isn't like being the only side with nukes. Massive iron bolts that can be aimed like shoulder-mounted surface-to-air missiles would seem to do the trick.

Sorry to say the slightly mismatched CGI when Drogon puts his massive, fire-breathing skull between Dany and Lefty took me out of the moment. Great conception, though.

Holy crap!


He thinks their complacency is going to get him and his killed, so he's willing to take it from them in order not to let that happen.

Killing off your better, more sympathetic and engaging actors in order to keep… Tara around (at least, for a few more episodes)? Pfft.

Particularly since the show is dealing with the rarest sort of abuse. We're supposed to believe the husband is the sole instigator and perpetrator of domestic abuse, no one appears to question this, yet it's the least common form of DV.

Sure, but the directing last week in 5x14 was utter shite.

So THAT'S why I couldn't place her!

Ooooooh. I did not think of that!

Agreed. It's a helluva thing to omit from 5x15, especially when the previous ep made a point of having us see Maggie eavesdrop on Gabriel's vicious undermining of the group.

Interesting. They could have gone full Rashomon in this episode.

I thought she had been tied to the tree, alive and intact, as some sort of punishment (or just plain cussedness), no?

And we all know what a finely honed and balanced sense of justice all children possess. Especially during the ZA.