In addition, the idea that the answer to domestic violence of unknown intensity, duration, and reciprocity is cold-blooded murder seems, well, insane.
In addition, the idea that the answer to domestic violence of unknown intensity, duration, and reciprocity is cold-blooded murder seems, well, insane.
Who eats a casserole on a doormat, outside? Raccoons be snacking in five minutes, y'all.
Yawn. If you actually paid attention Season Two was extremely strong.
Good eye. She didn't have it on when she and Tara were chasing down Sasha, so I just assumed she hadn't put it on.
It seems odd to claim society only works if government has a monopoly on crime.
I don't believe so. After all, Rick effectively attacked the man in his home. In addition, as a longtime cop Rick presumably knows that most DV is reciprocal, and most of the time it is instigated by the woman. He should be aware he's unlikely to have the entire story. As for the "TWD world," it doesn't really apply…
Wasn't that a brilliant move? "I know, we'll hide in this hollow tree, that way we'll have no way to escape if we're spotted. Isn't negating our biggest advantage, speed, fun??"
F#ck this nonsense. GoT always tread a fine line, but collapsed into torture porn towards the end of season three, in fact luxuriating in it, a sickening phenomenon but one a lot of us hoped was temporary—the result of inept writing or a sadistic showrunner having a last, especially nasty go at a mass audience.…
Never seen a series go into the toilet so completely in such short order.
This turned into The Walking Game of Dead Thrones.
I've read that rape is not about sex, but power
…the Alexandrians do come off as a reflection of the sheltered, privileged middle class in which white people are famously over-represented.
An offensively stupid script that's horribly directed. As good as 5x13 was, this episode is its polar opposite. The Walking Dead at its most ham-handed and utterly incompetent.
Four superb seasons with scarcely diminishing returns screech to a halt in this disaster of a season, culminating in the piggish crash of episode 8 where torture, plans to rape, and cutting off the finger of a stroke victim are all played for (attempted) laughs by a pack of grossly untalented writers. But, hey,…
Thanks for spoiling Moon, fucker.
Oblivion needed to engage its B-movie roots but instead got lost in the glitz and play-it-safe demands of its $150m budget. The characters should have been terrific, which is what cheapies need to emphasize to succeed; instead, they were glossy and forgettable, which is a pity, since they're all the movie has once we…
It seemed like the director forgot to shoot an entire scene, and then the editing was rushed to the point where it was worse than any other tv production i can recall.
She was able to kill a young, fit, government agent so, yeah, "something off about her" feels about right.
"Now the question remains why this clearly liberal family is living in this clearly conservative town,…"
Every righteous citydweller believes this.