Jack Strawb

Allegedly raped.

"I gave up when Mrs Copeland actually went in to get valium for her 16 year old daughter"

Isn't this just a miniseries, though?

A well-cast horror cheapie that Fear the Walking Dead should take copious notes from. This is the worst-edited tv production I've ever seen, but it still devours FTWD's lunch with solid characters, interesting, offbeat exchanges between them, and no fear about lingering on the peculiar and idiosyncratic. Good job,

How swell of them. And just before they murdered a million and a half Irish, too!!

Meh. Beautiful face but she's quite hippy.

At this point given her solid career until recently I'm going with either surgery or botox that has frozen her face.



Big mistake to give Nick a poorly written gf with whom he has no chemistry as an actor. Just one more bad decision.

Not only did they make Travis survive through the first episode, they actually started to make him a little bit interesting. Ta-ta!!!

She was busy squirming in girlish weakness into Nick's shoulder, so we were treated to another inexplicable volte-face from a character. She's not the sort to be reduced to timorousness by a wound, tbh.

"and I'm to the left of most Democratic Senators."

Could not agree more. This is a constant problem with the show, even to the point of ridiculous nonsense like not matching up the appearance last season of the Asian woman who caused Travis to be caged with her appearance in the previous episode. It's ridiculous, and it's a problem with the main show as well.

In fact key bits of information are routinely bungled or glossed over far too quickly to clearly register. What the eff is it with these people?

Right, because, as we know. people with serious wounds always know whether those wounds are fatal, and others should always take the word of the person in shock and allow them to die rather than keep them from falling a thousand feet to their death just in case.

Cliff Curtis is exactly the sort of mediocrity James Cameron somehow manages to make work. Dunno how he does it.

Everyone says that, but in truth it didn't. There was significant action on the farm and only two arguably "slow" episodes, which were actually pretty interesting. The second half of the season was rip-roaring.

I always thought Curtis was stretched just as "Assistant Head Director of the FBI" in things like Die Hard 4, so I was surprised and disappointed to see him cast as one of the leads in FTWD.

A good showrunner would have realized that the blended family drama had stopped working, so the most sensible move within the show would be to kill off Travis. Certainly there was zero chemistry between him and Madison, so he was more an obstacle than anything else.