Jack Strawb

Makes sense. After all the whiny self-importance of av’s author bleats through, as does her belief that art must strictly conform to narrowly defined themes and only “succeeds” when it does so. That deserves analysis and rebuttal. The screechy bit about “the male gaze” (which male? what time of day? what and who is he

Fuck yourself, brainless.

"Joss Whedon was never a feminist"

"Everyone’s looking for a reason to believe in The Defenders"

No, seriously.

Like that's unusual in YOUR neighborhood.

The visual fx people must have had 49 people working the fog machines.

I do? Crap.

I'll bet at least some of that is filming scenes out of order and incorporating notes from several people. Lines get shoehorned in so that viewers aren't mystified, then the scenes are shot such that one or the other can't be edited out without strange results and, voila! Redundancy!

Upvoted for diligence and reportage.

Did The Mist actually just start to get interesting???

Agreed. That wouldn't have been glossed over, I don't think.

Please. This reviewer's point about the show's descent into "juvenile sadism" was spot on.

In addition, on any moonlit night a fixed target is simply toast if three dragons go at it. They'd be in and out with the Red Keep engulfed in flame (hint, hint) before a night watch would even be able to take aim.

Davos learned from the best!

Yikes! Maisie Williams is 20. I really thought she was 14 or so.

The author isn't wrong, exactly, but is applying the sort of erudition and scrutiny you'd bring to literary or film criticism of Death in Venice or Tokyo Story. It's not really the kind of teevee crit you'd expect for sword and sorcery serials so that may be why it feels forced or highfalutin'.

Though points for having a hand in murdering that little sh!t, Joffrey.

Bronn let the gold go, but boy, we he ever reluctant to do so.

Me neither, while Peter Dinklage's "accent" is regularly excruciating. My affection from the character keeps it from bothering me much, but it routinely takes me out of the scene's he's in. It's really quite awful.