Jack Strawb

Does Lily and the actress playing her have good chemistry with anyone?

Definitely contrived and unpleasant.

So Gloria, who regularly and conspicuously uses her breasts, cleavage, curves, and effect on men to get things she wants, is suddenly now going to give lessons on "objectifying women" (a singularly useless, content-free phrase)??

A successful realtor who is now a partner at a successful realty firm in CA wouldn't be able to afford that pleasant but unimpressive house and a couple of cars? Are you kidding?

Again, I don’t expect the show to dig deep into feminist issues or
anything, but that “campus consent” joke was completely tone deaf and

"It’s continually amazing how a show with the wit to cast Nicole Beharie…"

It looked accidental to me, too, and I thought they might have used that to send the copter careening, the better to show how slow zombies can lead to the destruction of a well-armed military base.

She has a thick body and her face is starting to go, so, no, "smoking hot" doesn't apply. Also, in my book to be smoking hot she'd need to be extremely intelligent, while Dickens just comes across as "bright."

She's gorgeous. Keep her alive.

For some reason the writers passed up the opportunity to have Daniel confront Travis over the latter's letting the soldier go.

Goddamnit. Season Two of TWD was superb! What the hell is wrong with you people??

Then it'll be 'difficulty because writer.' I've never seen an arrangement like that were there wasn't a motorboat tied up by the shore with which to reach the yacht. Well, once, when there was a crew that lived on the yacht (those things take hella maintenance) and the motorboat was tied up to the yacht at times

There will be a runabout tied up somewhere on or near the shore.

On the other hand, he was the genial host when they arrived at his house: "Help yourselves."

For some reason that has me in stitches. Kudos.

So, it would be all right if a grown woman did? What's the difference?

"Around HS"?

Always welcome, but Sofia Vergara looks like she's put on an evenly distributed 15 pounds since season 6. She looks… not fatter but thicker, somehow.

“The man with the blade and the man in the chair; they’re not different.”

Wouldn't sexual tension be completely out of place given that last episode Alicia carved her probably dead boyfriend's fading ink tattoo into her arm with a needle?