Jack Strawb

Alicia's bf probably dead isn't 'major'?

Which reminds me that wars were once fought over salt.

That seems like a ludicrous decision given how important it is for this series to get off to a strong start, and how much money it's guaranteed to make if it does.

Well, note that he DID stop objecting when he started hearing info on Cobalt

Does she know her bf is dead, though? That has bothered me, since in the absence of certainty she'd surely want to make certain, no?

Not to mention that part of his skill set is looking reasonably white. In a zombie apocalypse where the military command structure is primarily white, that's not to be overlooked.

Never saw Raymond and I didn't know of Heaton's… unfortunate politics, but I thought her chronic, loving, fatigued exasperation in the first few seasons quite charming. Then her acting became shrill around the time Axl's character became downright abusive, and the current hairdo which iirc she adopted around the early

"How To Get Away With Murder gets queerer, bolder in second season."

"Another of Alex's talents? So Alex can not only…"

She hasn't been as appealing since she cut her hair prior to season six.

"Luke's sudden sexual interest in his tomboy friend…"

Right? I kept thinking "tumor."

Agreed. The writers rolled the dice a bit, here and there it was genuinely funny, and even Rico and Nolan delivered their lines well.

And yet, these comments sections were flooded with love for Dylan when he showed up in bits as silly as him being the sidewalk arrow spinner for a store that bought gold. Fickle, fickle.

I laughed out loud. You know they didn't kill a chicken, yeah?

Yet she says the following just below a photo of her where she's scarcely clothed and which she wasn't forced to pose for: "It made me feel really uncomfortable, because as women in the industry, we are totally oversexualized and treated like objects."

"There’s the cut from Andy having a breakdown and eating a cupcake after finding about Haley’s thwarted plan to break up his proposal to him one month later having gained 20 pounds."

Oh, HELL no.

Sorry, but Cliff Curtis the actor is a completely generic sorta brown guy; there's no way he can be interesting as a key character. Woeful miscasting, there.

Isn't Skeet Ulrich already a poor man's somebody?