Ugh. That ending, where a city falling to earth will destroy the planet, was dreadful. How was that not one of the ten scenarios they discarded before settling on something good?
Ugh. That ending, where a city falling to earth will destroy the planet, was dreadful. How was that not one of the ten scenarios they discarded before settling on something good?
Or just do the origin in media res, at a blistering pace, take all of four minutes (at most) from credits to reviving them from the blast as they come to in Sue's bubble, and get on with it.
Yes, it was a ridiculous script and graphics choice. In addition it removes all the ambivalence from the FF - Doom encounter following. How can you not simply kill such a mass murderer if at all possible?
So I'm somehow supposed to give a shite about a thug-protagonist who gets numerous people killed in the first few minutes without evincing any sorrow or even discomfort? Screw this tripe.
Never seen anyone so eager to erase the pretense they had constructed.
What bothered me was how prosaic the dead are.
Stop whining about imaginary whining, you miserable hack. Just shut the fuck up.
Great summary. You don't understand one thing, though. "StudioTodd" just can't handle complexity, so detailed analyses that aren't worshipful are "hateful."
Well said, for the most part. Todd is simply too stupid to actually engage comments he disagrees with.
You're mischaracterizing the comments here because you're too stupid and too lazy to actually engage them. I knew you'd want to know.
Good post. I agree that killing off Tyrese so soon after Beth's death made his death resonate less than it could have. It just induced numbness, more than anything.
I never did take to Tyrese, largely because of the character's stupidity. Leaving the baby hostage taker alive and lying about it to his sister finished him off, for me. That was beyond ridiculous especially when combined for the same character with his ready violence once his gf was killed. Bad writing, and…
Pfft. A fat forty year old is not going to keep up with a slender twenty year old.
I'm happy to give it a C+, where the + is for effort. This show never, ever does non-action stories well. It does not do philosophical discussions well. It needs its characters moving and when they stop moving the show grinds to a boring halt.
Neither did the prison. They should have looked at topographical maps and satellite photos years ago and found a gated community with good sightlines at a higher elevation to hole up in.
It seemed like a strange combination of old news reports fused with stories from the outbreak.
Yup. I was hoping for a forensic analysis from Michonne, Rick, and Daryl It seemed clear the place had been overrun by something other than walkers, and as a temporary place to hang it seemed promising unless it had been completely picked clean of food. Still, probably better to hunt from a base of walled off housing…
Weirdly they had heavy makeup for two twelve year olds. Disconcerting.
"…and there are rarely deaths caused by the victim's stupidity."
You're insane. Rick's stupidity kills huge numbers of people in the comic.
Please. The other two dudes in the bar were about to murder Rick (and then, presumably, Hershel and Glenn). Randall was an entirely different issue.