"Thoroughly discredited"? Hardly.
"Thoroughly discredited"? Hardly.
Please. They stopped resembling a couple shortly after the marriage. Even for a Chuck Lorre show this is ugly stuff.
Probably so, but given how the writers have turned her character into a miserable ____, it's impossible to believe Rauch has any pull at all.
Well at least for once the writing for Bernadette was not one-note horrible.
Yes, but stretched out over five years it's simply ridiculous. It also turns the unrequited character into a bitch, perhaps inevitably. When Amy isn't getting something she wants, the pairing is unwatchable.
Bialik really is a better actor than everyone on the show except Parsons. Unfortunately for a major character, she's been written into a corner by the show's unwillingness to have Sheldon do anything more than painfully inch towards being sort of human.
If anything its probably impressive that she's the only major cast
member to have not been nominated for an emmy yet for their work on the
Penny remains a lazy, one-note character, neither redeemable over years
nor really truly learned anything. She still acts as if she's the catch
for Leonard, rather than imagining what she would have had with those
losers she dated (versus Leonard's girlfriends by the way)…
But Sheldon's mother being played as a dumb Bible-thumper from down
south, apart from being kind of offensive, is just not funny.
- The editing seemed very odd tonight, as well. There was one point
where the action moved back to Howard's house, with the 3 guys in the
kitchen, and they spoke like 3 lines and suddenly we were back in the
Sheldon/Leonard apartment.
Beat me to it.
Ugh, but true. Worst story decision ever, though having Raj dating a manner, creepy girl with a forced and far-fetched horror fetish is a close and completely unfunny second.
For once, Bernadette asking for help around the house doesn’t feel like a
trite decision in order to generate friction between her and Howard, or
one that paints Bernadette as unnecessarily bossy. Instead, Bernadette
is the sympathetic character here,…
The girl is pretty, busty and will be the valedictorian - in real life she'd be, like, the "hottest chick on campus". Guys would be hitting on her like crazy.
So you're proposing steering a 2 year old in the direction of gender confusion? Swell.
You sound ill.
Plus, as they did with Lily, the show can easily swap Joe out for an even cuter kid if they feel it's necessary.
Thank god The Middle took my notes on ending the horrific 'Axl is an abusive arsehole to everyone' subplot / theme that has sunk the show since the beginning of Season 4.