Jack Strawb

But is so hilariously.

Stop scolding people, prude.

Right? The actress does not look like she's in the sort of condition required to keep up that kind of pace, and to do that as gracefully as she was on the treadmill.

I never understood the appeal of bouncing breasts. They're perfectly fine standing still.


Is Bratt ill? He looks like he's aged 10 years since his last appearance on MF.

You must be joking. She's a kid in running shorts and a T-shirt. "Sexualize"? Get a grip. As for being 'embarrassed for her' why are you so certain she wouldn't have objected if she felt uncomfortable. Way to infantilize.

Fat is now 'just normal teenager development'? Yikes.

If you think knowing how many people are in your Congress is some sort of informational arcana, you're an idiot. Sorry.


Dimwits like you have made the word "misogynistic" worse than useless. A few seconds with a dictionary will tell you it means hatred of women qua woman, not stupid remarks concerning women, or comments about women of which you don't approve. Thanks for destroying the value of the word.

And no one approved the stick up your arse.

“Last F*ckable Day” gets its name from a sketch with another twisty take
on a topic female actors are fed up talking about: The way aging
affects their marketability.

I love people of color telling white people how to behave. And when you go with "old white men who…," that's always fucking hilarious.

I know how difficult is to learn a foreing language,…

The way she stiffens up while delivering lines also suggests cue cards. Not a natural actor.

Mitchell lives in an apartment.

The friendships, as well. A lot is made of Raj's and Howard's "friendship" but they often undermine each other, at times ruthlessly. Just that one episode where Raj is making time with Summer Glau and Howard cuts him off at the knees was enough to end a friendship. As for couples it's too bad Leonard's second season

The ep showing the Vasquez Rocks in the background looked thoroughly greenscreened. From the focus, the flat shots, the camera staying close to the characters, and the indoor lighting it's hard to imagine they went to the Rocks to film. Cheaper and easier to stay in the studio, and it didn't lose much if anything.

If you can't recognize the sheer sociopathy of the Congressional GOP, start over.