
I was just wondering how someone would manage to work that one in.

I used to have a few low-level OCD symptoms like that; fewer as I got older luckily. I have found that when a song fragment is chasing its tail in my head the thing to do is start listening intensely to every sound I can hear in the real world.

It is a terrible song though; lazily adapted from a drinking song. I seem to remember hearing Frank Sinatra complain about it as well (I may be getting my crooners mixed up though). Who puts words like "broad" and "bomb" on a passing tone, or an EE sound on the highest note? I don't know anything about Mr King, but

I just ate a kim chee sandwich. It was freaking awesome. Sometimes I put ham on it, but not this time. I'll have to make a new batch in a week at the rate I'm going. There is a lamb shoulder with pinto beans in the slow cooker for tomorrow.

My first time in London I went into a random pub and ordered whatever, and had one of the best ales of my life. Turned out to be Doombar, which is not supposed to be top shelf or anything, but is much better on tap than out of a bottle. My usual these days is Titanic Stout.

Tongue cancer has to be the second most metal disease I can think of.

Let's not get that mixed up with Unwilling Suspension of Consciousness.

It's because the top shelf of American beers falls merely in the "drinkable" category among English beers. I know there are some horrible English lagers, but the worst of them taste better than Heineken, and if you're swilling that stuff in a hotel room you're probably not James Bond.

I was thinking of that Carl Hiaasen book with the guy who uses his daughter as a prop to steal wheelchairs from nursing homes.

The idea that an English person would drink an entire Heineken violates Willing Suspension of Disbelief.

You folks have the In & Out Burger, which I'm pretty sure is less toxic.

I think I'm wired wrong for advertising because ads tend to have the opposite effect on me, and make me want to avoid doing business with whoever tried to sneak their product into my head while I was watching a movie. I know it's extremely silly of me to feel intruded upon when I know most shows wouldn't exist

Not exactly, but a lot of people took that win as a hopeful sign when it happened. My grandfather grew up in Brooklyn and he said he was rooting for the Sox just that one time.

Pretty sure the Luxury Comedy Andy is supposed to be a robot. In one episode (Pele) Noel blows his circuits by showing him a painting.

I seem to remember the mob briefly stashing something in their store. At the time I thought it might be a body but I haven't rewatched.

That's right, get it out of your system. I used that joke yesterday and I feel better now.

Definitely better off seeing them than not, if you can afford it. They won't be around forever. I blew off a lot of shows for various reasons only to have the bands break up or die soon after.

My friends and I tried a Shadowrun game years ago, during a time when we were designing a game and picking apart other games to find what worked and what didn't. It was a strange experience. I made a bodyguard who practically couldn't be hurt, only to find it was virtually impossible to defend someone else in

Just in time too. The following year in basketball was amazing across the board, but for me it revolved around Jordan's Bulls. I have never cared for sports but that year I couldn't tear my eyes away.

You got lucky. I saw them in SF about ten years ago and it was like listening to their albums on shuffle from a distance. They were so disinterested I thought they might lie down and take a nap.