
I had an unspoiled viewing of the Usual Suspects, as I spent most of my time alone that year with no internet. It was $1.75 at Boulder's second-run theater, so I watched it three times. It's nice when a big-screen showing is so cheap you don't have to worry that you made a mistake if you don't like it. I saw

If there's one thing solo G Love taught us, it's you gotta have that sauce.

Would you ask Tom Petty that question?

I think Fairbanks has the only library I know off hand with a video game rack. Makes sense as the winters are so brutal.

Ha ha, I was just looking for an old San Francisco band called Bomb.
Surprisingly, just typing "bomb san francisco" doesn't produce the
desired result.

Phenomena is plural.

Funniest video ever

I'm going with Yod-Wing.

I think it's supposed to say "any wings."

The kids will be fighting tooth and nail over those action figures. They could even make a limited edition with the empty eye socket and a tiny spoon.

Drunk game shows should be more of a thing than they are. Now I'm imagining Johnny Vegas hosting.

I'll take those old slippers if your Dad's done with them.

Is that why you left Canada?

I think the last issue of Time I picked up was about the Jonestown Massacre when I was 7. I was not hooked.

Don't get all Mad.

Yikes. I always thought Watch This implied that one actually ought to watch it.

Does it count as influence if they send me leaping for the remote?

For me it's Austen Powers, Analyze this, and (when my kid was 3) Igor. I sat through Stargate but I don't remember anything.

Also Ice T scowling.