
I believe that was based on a very short story by William Gibson. Less of a story even than a vehicle for Molly to kick some more ass. I remember movie Molly not kicking very much ass, and the heavy lifting done by Woodenface Reeves; both dire flaws.

Hmm, '95. I think I saw this in that 3rd run theater in Boulder for a buck seventy-five. Same year as the Usual Suspects and Mortal Kombat, and Hackers. In those days I would watch almost anything in a theater at cut rate, before the cheapest tickets overtook the hourly wage. Now I only seem to watch movies on

Just like Jurassic Park. What could possibly go wrong?

Those sound more Thelemic than Satanic. All the Satanists I've met have been boors and bores.

Pretty sure it was My Year of Flops, not a Watch This.

Stayin' alive, stayin' alive

Was that the one with the poop magic?

Alastair Fothergill and Benedict Cumberbatch need to have a cage match to see who's more English.

Isn't all those "similarities" kind of the point?

I have yet to hear any British person say anything but garridge. I don't even bother myself any more.

I never even got far enough to find out Alsatia was a robot.

The answer will depend on which set you are playing. I hope you're not still using "barrel of pickled herring" and "1mo. hire 100ct fully-equipped Scottish Highlanders" interchangeably as units of currency.

How many times do you have to see a ferret bite a guy's nuts before it stops being funny?

My favorite is when he says he always wins arguments with women because he is arguing with his reason and they are arguing with their emotions, and the woman he's on the line with says, "hey you're right!" It was like falling into a Simpsons episode.

Yikes. I think I'd rather have the five nights at Freddie's job.

Remember back when the media kept insisting that George Burns was in the top 2 (with Tom Selleck) of American male sex symbols?

Seraphim is plural, goddammit. One seraph, two seraphim. Fucksake.

Have you ever watched a moonbeam as it slid across you windowpane?

Woodring's stuff almost seems to induce an altered state while you're reading it.

Frank Comics
Evil Dead 2
Butthole Surfers
The Seven Faces of Dr Lao
Simon (1980)
Debussy's La Mer (Toscanini)
Brahms' Haydn Variations (not Boulez)