
I was hoping Jenner would take a more dignified route than becoming a reality show, but then again I remember her as the face of Wheaties first and a track star second, so my disappointment is unwarranted.

Hope you did a better job than the one in the picture. That thing is going nowhere but down.

My introduction to him was the Butthole Surfers' Barbeque movie. It took me a while to realize the movie star John Hawkes was the same guy from this and Rosalie Goes Shopping.

Funny thing is Zappa didn't realize at the time Simon and Garfunkel were also his beloved Tom and Jerry from the early 60's.

The difference is that while Tom Waits was out trying to be a hobo, Zappa was practising, and practising, and practising. It doesn't matter what jackasses name-drop him because he's on a different level and worked to get there.

I remember him playing The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing, but I don't remember there being anything wrong with it.

That's just the look of a guy who doesn't give a fuck. There's a bit of overlap there.

and maybe they have enough maple syrup to drown him… did that come out mean?

Also, if you ever find yourself covered in silver dust deadly to vampires, wash it off fast.

Last episode Eichorst asked if they were all blind from birth and the lady said no. I think Mom just culled the ones who weren't, as they presumably aren't supersensetive like the others.

If you have time for one more show watch PD and forget about the Strain.

That should free Neely up for some more Wizards, Dear Reader.

I guess, but Brazil is the only place I've been where I heard people use "white" as synonymous with "cute."

Brazil also has a hefty screen obsession with white people, though it has gotten less obnoxious in recent years.

Something different would be not doing a pointlessly distracting cameo in every Marvel movie.

I remember it as pretty standard kid stuff but my kid doesn't do stuff like that either. Half of me thinks I've made her timid by sheltering her and the other half thinks my brother and I grew up half feral and could easily have ended up drowned, or broken at the foot of a cliff.

Also, associating the Confederate flag with slavery is mainly a Northern thing. For the South, it's a reminder of Northern oppression. We all know the Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery, and that the abolition of same was a late-game strategic master-stroke rather than a matter of principle, but it's

I was obsessed with that series as a kid. Took me a while to figure out no one talks like that any more.

Spiderwick had a lot of good stuff in it, but the idiotic rhymes were maddening to me.

We'll see a true Chinese Democracy before that happens.