
Maybe if she'd taken a page out of Sean's book and started punching photographers…

Shit I remember that too. Fucking terrible and I liked it at the time.

Pretty sure it is derived from the Gaelic Gort na Cloca Mora("field of the big rock"), which is a fictional place mentioned by various writers and inhabited by leprechauns. I first saw the words in James Stevens' The Crock of Gold. If they were from Boston I would say it's a fine name for a band, but no.

No kidding. A couple of washed-up artists are pissed that a new company is threatening to remind people that they existed, and solving the problem by giving press to the new company. This is like one of those pre-Internet problems.

Lager makes my pee hurt.

Col. Mustard, in the library, with the Internet.

I read that in Pacino's voice.

I hear she has a great ass.

Moorcock crossover! Ripley walks the Moonbeam Roads while in hypersleep.

When I watch 4 I try to see it as a companion to City of Lost Children rather than an Alien movie. Also I try to ignore the fact that Winona Ryder is in it. Her performance stands out like a pimp in church.

Well I guess if you allow Alien Resurrection you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want afterwards, since Ripley has been cloned and continuity no longer applies. Hey, while we're down that hole, why couldn't Newt and Hicks be clones? Maybe Ripley was a clone all along. Maybe you're a clone.

I learned about dissolving sutures from him.

Don't understand what Rock Island Line has to do with Civ iv, but it seems like everyone else does.

I still want to see this, if only because I love Wagner Moura. He's probably barely in it.

It was good enough for the Gottlieb brothers.

I'm torn between boredom and torment. Can I have Smurfs and Event Horizon at the same time?

Pesky C.S., always implying that religion should be chewed carefully (and enjoyed) rather than swallowed whole.

For me the irritation of being preached to is slightly mitigated by how much heresy is in there.

If I could just remember what happened that time we found the Otter kid. It would bother me forever. In my WITW afterlife, I go travelling with the Wayfarer Rat. Do you like shellfish? Yes I fucking do.