
I'm remembering it wrong I think, but also yes, the crash landing was probably safer than the alien siege.

Where does Foetus fit into all this?

I used to do the same with LSD and the Butthole Surfers' Hairway to Steven. Also Brahms' Haydn Variations.

Whenever I see the words "moist towelette" I can't help thinking "warm leatherette."

Very nice. I liked when he sang "Inchworm" on the Muppets. Sometimes I sing that to my kid at bedtime.

This reminds me of the time two of my friends sat down with a gallon each of Carlo Rossi Burgundy and every Zeppelin album ever released and vowed not to sleep until both bottles and stack were finished. I believe Zack passed out and Dave finished his bottle for him, but the Zeppelin stack was not completed.


It's not even the emotional investment; there's just no point to it. If they're not in the movie then they're not. Why strain credulity by telling us they died during the safest part of their trip?

I only know this song from that video with the guys humping lampposts, and from Captain Henderson drunk karaoke-singing it in Vine's pubconscious on Hyperdrive. Seriously though, watch Hyperdrive.

Like ya do.

I hear Idries Shah continued writing books on his deathbed, operating on less than half a lung.

I remember doing something similar with a Texas Instruments mess that had half its circuitry exposed. Five hours of copying codes from a magazine got me a box with a ball that went through from one side and out the other and disappeared. Never figured out what the game was supposed to be.

That game was essentially the same as Rally X, I believe. It was rare for a home game system to produce a tolerable clone of an arcade standup, but Radar Rat Race was much better than tolerable.

So she's like monkfish to Taylor Schilling's lobster. I shall henceforth refer to her as "the monkfish," if I ever refer to her. I won't though.

Or Tiberius in Caligula!

Speaking of choice, what made the woman in the picture cover her midriff and below with mail while neglecting the boiler room? She could have started the thing eight inches higher and gotten the same coverage plus heart and lungs. It's no use showing cleavage if there's a spear shaft lodged above it. Dude's not much

There Will Be Ketchup

That has a certain ring to it.

I just imagined Homestar saying "Kwusto-phenia."

That's the one.