
I seem to remember Golden Eye being fun. Oh, looks like you got that one covered.

Also worst haircuts of 2014 apparently.

With him out of the picture though, it seems people were more confident about coming forward, and I hear they nabbed a couple of his buddies on similar charges.

Hoping some of that sweet Neutrality might rub off on you huh? You know, being a cross between good and evil at the genetic level, you'll never be neutral no matter how many times you see this band.

He certainly gave us a new way to listen to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Don't forget Johnny Smoke (Jr)

Wild Kingdom: the poor man's Life On Earth.

I seem to remember that being the case in earlier versions as well, if you're expanding at all. I used to call it the jealousy phase. I've been playing Freeciv a bit and your allies stick with you pretty much right up until you start building a space program, at which point who cares. Unfortunately, the computer AI

"10 O'clock is when the monsters come out" was a common theme in Cosby's old routines about his childhood, which were a treasure to young me. I'm having a hard time processing the idea that he was probably a monster himself, and the jokes are coming weakly if at all.

Must be 10 O'clock.

Buck up, Captain.

I like it when they give his character some vague but mythological killer background known only to other killers, and there's a moment when the bad guys figure out just who is on the loose taking down their elite killing squad and they become suddenly grim, like Seagal just walked over their graves.

Come on, who goes to the trouble of weaving napkins and then leaves fringes on them? So messy.

I know two words in Iñupiat: walrus and vomit. It's not as interesting as it sounds.

Leaf By Niggle or bust.

Electric Shruggaloo? Whoops, never mind.

Wake up, sleepy Schwartz.

S1 of Mad Fat Diary is definitely special. I got increasingly frustrated with S2, mainly over tensions that felt forced and a major sudden development that never seems properly addressed, but I would still watch a third. The lead and her buddies are quite strong. Also the Mom, which reminds me I also recommend

Wake up, sleepy Force.

Does it count that every Thanksgiving my grandfather forgets that I already watched Ikiru with him?