
It is certainly terrible for pedestrians. It was meant to be the City of the Future where everyone drives everywhere, because everyone there can totally afford to own a car. So not only are things really far apart, but the sidewalks go like 30 feet and then stop,or continue on the other side of a four-lane

Looks like they did Laurel a favor by having her sit this one out. Almost unwatchable.

Chicken Soup for the Ass Soul.

It's also what they call linden trees in the UK. Come on folks, we already have a lime tree and it makes limes. And linden is a lovely name for a tree.

The line about avoiding that presence if you feel like you've lost a quart of plasma has served me well through the years.

Wayne Coyne: My Mess is Your Mess.

Wa uhibbuha, wa tuhibbuni, wa yuhibbu naakha ba'eeri.

It's also notable in that no one is too cool for it.

Dayenu is the original thank you song.

What's On Tonight?

Right now I envy you your lack of retroactive trauma.

Zannen desu nee.

The best part is sex workers, being mostly water, are much less likely to catch fire than shirtwaists.

While it's true that subsequent stories matching up after the story has been made known to everyone isn't damning in itself, the fact that so much time has passed means most of these women would have practically nothing to gain and an uphill battle to prove anything. They came forward (as Jane Doe witnesses) in

I think a lot of publicity people have been very successful just getting their clients' names out there any way they can. It might have seemed like standard procedure up until 2 minutes after they hit send.

I never cared about the Cosby Show, but I grew up with Fat Albert on TV and his comedy records from the library, and even now I want to tell everyone how fucking brilliant he was but it feels icky now. I have known dozens of (that I'm aware of) victims of unprosecuted rape, and only one false accuser in 40+ years, so

I would add Holy Rollers to this list somewhere, and the Vile Cherubs deserve a mention also.

, more Enver Gjokai,

I did the same but stuck around for the reviews. In hindsight it almost seems like a practice run for Under the Dome.

My daughter bailed in the middle of season 1 because the spirit-bender guy freaked her out. Not that it was any scarier than TLA ; she just wasn't invested enough to stick with it. TLA's blood-bender episode gave her nightmares, but she kept going because she loved the characters and there was no way she was going