
I think Korra has two main problems since the beginning, and both are made worse by comparing to TLA. The first is that they haven't worked very hard to makes us like Korra the way we liked Aang. That would be ok if not for the second problem, which is that she tends to spend long periods in one place, denying us

There must be a special form of Alchemy that can transform a failure into a disaster.

Filth flarn filth!

I hear the army is working on a zombie-launcher.


My Buckmark had brands of ammo that it could and couldn't use. Cheap-ass Magnum rounds and expensive Federals were the most consistent; Winchesters and Yellowjackets failed 1 in 4. Game rounds fired only once before sticking sideways .

Well, small pistol doesn't necessarily mean small-calibur. They make guns that size to hold a few .357 rounds, but they are incredibly painful to shoot. With small-calibur the point is to make several holes so blood pressure drops rapidly and the target becomes too weak to resist.

I also wonder if the recoil will be enough to consistently rack the slide and cycle the round. I have had that problem a lot with .22lr. 40 grains had its troubles, but anything under 40 simply would not eject.

I was thinking the same thing. If that humor was tired, nobody told me.

He has a 5-o'clock shadow on his temples! My mind is spinning.

Those MIA albums were good, but I still have no fucking use for this guy.

Sometimes when I'm sick of a requested bedtime book I try adding a few swears to it. My kid hates it, though she did laugh at "click, clack, moo, motherfucker!"

If you can't control yourself, Oliviatremor, someone will have to do it for you.

You need a phillet knife. Ask Lorraine.

This is not the show you're looking for.

The chicken-elephant scenes are pure gold.

You may think it very odd of meeeeeeee!

To be fair, I usually don't like the finales that much, and if I'd realized this was a season finale I'd have been prepared for/resigned to a degree of shenanigans, and a little less insulted. I enjoyed most of the season up to this point.

Just another reason to love Amy.

Also, why bother capturing the consciousness of the dying to make cybermen who by definition have no use for individual consciousness? Because bananas?