
Long live the Black Hydra!

According to Taint Spectator, everyone should eat at least two taints a day unless they're pregnant.

I think it's just their way of showing us how our team are different, but not too different. There are still good guys in the world, only now sometimes the good guy has to rip the bad guy's throat out with his teeth. The main difference is that the good guy worries about what he's becoming, and the bad guy doesn't.

I kind of wish I'd started at Season 4.

Speaking of time management, I have found it hard to believe that in the time since they took back Terminus and adopted their new way of life, a pack of ordinary folks became master trackers to the degree that Daryl could find no trace of them the morning after they scoped the camp.

Pretty sure Bruce said why would the goat take me? There's no one to take me from. Also there was a male victim of the first Goat.

I'm pretty sure you mean John From Cincinnati's Bruce Greenwood.

That's trees, not zombies. One big advantage is you can see them coming from a mile away on the tundra. You could just about trap, roast, and eat a ground squirrel and be having cloudberries for dessert before they got close enough to attack you.

I must have seen a preview in the theater when I was 6 or 7 because I remember having nightmares about that flying knifeball, even though I didn't see the movie until I was 17.

Which is the one with the lung cancer and the magic beer? I didn't read them in order but that was a good start for me.


I love me some Tom Bombadil, but there's no getting around the fact that he does not give fuck #1 about the perils afflicting Middle Earth.

As far as the Hobbit goes, if there's a woman in the scene, it wasn't in the book. This would have been a good opportunity to balance things a bit, but the writers seemed to see it as an opportunity for more Elven antics and implausible romance.

More rabbit chariots!

Leather shoes and no socks; I can tell he's not walking home today.

Don't recall it coming up much on the page, but it has been a while.

That Elusive Notworm really knows how to dance!

Will this be the Extended Director's Cut with lots of extra beach ball scenes?

I don't believe you. john Hawkes can jazz anything up.

Yeah, once you're at sea, it's in the gods' hands, so if something looks wrong don't look at it.